TFP – A Love Song for Deborah– A beautiful essay – “After my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, I nearly gave in to despair. Until I found the one thing that awakened her.”
TheAtlantic – The Plight of the Eldest DaughterWomen are expected to be nurturers. Firstborns are expected to be exemplars. Being both is exhausting.
New Yorker – It’s Time to Dismantle the TechnopolyAs technology accelerates, we need to stop accepting the bad consequences along with the good ones.
Allure – Victoria Beckham Is In ControlThe fashion, and now fragrance, designer knows what she wants (what she really really wants). And she’ll work harder than everyone else to get it.
Men’s Health – The New Science of Muscle Pioneering research has altered our basic understanding of how you build strength. With this game plan, you’ll use all that new knowledge to fuel faster gains.